What I’m Looking Forward To After Quarantine

As the Covid-19 pandemic is still raging throughout the world, many of us find ourselves still sheltering safely at home. While there are some places beginning to open back up to “normal” that isn’t the case where we are. Often throughout this quarantine I found myself wishing things were different or wanting so badly to go to some places I love. So, if for no other purpose than to keep myself busy and out of the pantry for a bit, I’m documenting here what I’m looking forward to after quarantine.
These are in no particular order, just thought I should say that before we get into it.

Yes, the feeling of accomplishment. Success is my love language. I love the feeling of it for myself, for my children, all of it. By the end of quarantine I will have “successfully” home-schooled my children in math, science, reading, writing, spelling, cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, self-care, etiquette, art, music, money, time, and more. It has had its ups and downs throughout the whole process, and while I do not believe I will ever elect to be a home-schooling parent, I am glad to see we all learned and grew from it.
Additionally, my kids will have graduated to their next grades in school. No longer will they be in the grade I know them to be now. While it is a little sad at times, knowing they did not have the end of year experiences, the trade-off was extra attention at home. Which is a great accomplishment in itself for us all.
Beyond the traditional classroom, we have some extracurriculars I imagine will pick back up to resume their programming and graduate the kids to their next level as well. The prospect of these activities continuing for completion is certain, but the time-frame is fluid. However it ends up working out, I’m sure it will happen and it is definitely what I’m looking forward to after quarantine
This whole quarantine situation has caused some big aspects of our daily lives to be completely out of our control. I look forward to more predictability. The changes stemming from each news cycle have definitely worn out their welcome here. That is to say that we abide by the rules, but are ready for some good news in our days ahead.

Travel. This means different things to different people. Just to clarify up front, we are not looking to book the first flight to some far off location. No, travel for us looks more like visiting nearby family, and going to our favorite local destinations. While we live closer to the beach than we ever have, during quarantine it just hasn’t been accessible and we all look forward to going back. Definitely some theme park action too, though I will say we won’t be in the first wave of people rushing into those places. We will lay low for a while, just to test the waters out to see how the world is reacting and responding once the restrictions ease up, and then head out.
We did take the chance on booking some more long-distance trips way later in the year. With the airlines doing some good deals during the shutdowns, we were able to schedule some long awaited travel. Here’s to hoping they are booked far enough out to be well beyond all this. If not, we did pay extra to have refundable tickets, so we will understand if it comes to that.

The immediate family of ours has never spent so much time all together. It is amazing to know we are safe at home and have bonded together in new ways. We have learned and adapted to much between each other that will only strengthen us for the rest of our lives. Still, it has had it’s challenges.
As far as family goes, I can’t wait to see the extended fam again. We have called, Facetimed, Zoomed, and Google Duo’ed more than ever just to stay in touch and entertained with everyone else in our family. It is a great comfort to have such technology during this time, but physically spending time with them is definitely what I’m looking forward to after quarantine. When that will be, no one knows. But we do know it will be a great time for all once again.
With the ability to freely visit friends and family again, I interpret that to be the end of quarantine largely as a whole. Life will be nearly back to what is was before, all of us free to do and visit as we please. That we will see family again and be out of all phases of quarantine is a major factor of what I’m looking forward to after quarantine

Yup. Ya’ll know I love to cook. I you need further reference of this see all my recipe posts here. But yes, food is what I’m looking forward to after quarantine for sure. While we really do cook at home a lot (even before quarantine), I’ve never cooked more in my life. And as much as I’ve expanded the normal recipe repertoire, with the limited trips to the stores we’ve dedicated ourselves to, we have gotten in a rut. I’m looking forward to going out to eat again after quarantine. Being served, having an array of delicious choices before me. All of it.
Yes restaurants have still been doing carry out, and we did consider it a good number of times during quarantine. However, it was never all that appetizing to us to place an order and wait for the delivery system or to go out and get it. To be honest, there’s not a ton near us, and it looked like added risk for us. I think we’ve eaten out once since March 10th. It’s been a good run of good old fashioned home cookin’, but I am looking forward to not cooking quite this much soon.
Now can we talk about all…the…dishes?! My dishes have never been used so much, nor has my dishwasher. I’ve had dreams of upgrading my dishwasher from the base model that it is to an elite silent one like these even. Go ahead and laugh, but those are the things that make me happy, ok? I even replaced my kitchen sponge a zillion times during quarantine because they just got tired so often!
Ok back to food…
To get into specifics about what food I’m looking forward after quarantine, it sums up to my faves that I just can’t make myself. Creme Brulee anyone? I can’t make it. Too many extra gadgets and such I just don’t have. And it’s just more special to enjoy in a fine restaurant anyway, don’t you agree?

Also, salad. Sounds suuuper boring after that high from creme breulee, I know. Being the only person in the house that will eat salad as a meal combined with grocery trips only occurring every three weeks, makes it hard to have a nice, crispy, satisfying salad on the regular. Can’t wait, but I will.

Now to redeem myself a bit from the salad, ice cream! We don’t binge on this sweet treat a ton, but it was indulged in often enough before quarantine. During quarantine, with priorities being what they are and the lock-down situation, ice cream just wasn’t a necessity. Rightfully so, but now that summer is near and the stress from it all piles on, ice cream sounds pretty awesome right about now. Baskin Robbins is doing take out sundae kits, which may be on this weekend’s to-do list even before quarantine comes to a close. Beyond that, we just hope our favorite local artisanal ice cream shops have survived the economic turn and will once again scoop up our fave frosty treats.

There is a big, bright, beautiful world out there. We will be happy to see it once this is all over. Venturing out into its beauty and wonder is ultimately what I’m looking forward to after quarantine.
What are you looking forward to? Any certain people, places, or things, maybe a normal schedule even? We’re all missing something right now, and that’s ok. Stay safe and sane until you can fulfill what you’re looking forward to after quarantine.