Kid Approved Trail Mix
Kid approved trail mix was inspired by my kids. My always hungry, often picky, kids. We were gearing up for a summer road trip with 6+ hours of car confinement and I knew I had to roll out some new tricks to keep the vehicle peaceful.
My kids are always clamoring for their next snack. A little bowl of goldfish, an apple, some cereal, any of it. Or all of it. It can be hard to keep snacks healthy and interesting for them. Especially when traveling like we do. I usually choose their snacks and have lately been given the exaggerated groans that they didn’t want this granola bar or that apple sauce. So it was time to involve them in their own snack prep. That’s the secret behind kid approved trail mix, get them involved!
To make kid approved trail mix, you’ll need a variety of snacks, a bowl, a travel snack bowl, and your kid! Assemble a lineup of some dry snacks they enjoy, along with some new and interesting ones. I like to give a variety of colors, textures, shapes, and sprinkle in some healthy bits.

For our first kid approved trail mix, The lineup these kids had to choose from included: multi grain Cheerios, cinnamon Chex, chocolate covered raisins, pretzel goldfish, peanuts, sunflower seeds (shelled), and craisins. The only rule was that they had to choose several mix-ins. Otherwise they would have all gone away with a whole container of only marshmallows. Their excitement and creativity was contagious to each of them! It was engaging for them to make and let me tell you even more exciting when they got to eat it throughout the trip! It was like a little treasure hunt in their own trail mix whenever they ate it. Bonus! They were making tiny Cheerio and marshmallow sandwiches which kept them happy, fed, and entertained! Who knew?!
Kid approved trail mix earned its spot in our new road trip tradition. I’d even say it is parent approved! What will your kids mix up? Let them try it and see what their kid approved trail mix does for your next trip!